Ms. Deepti Bindal , NLP Coach Demonstrated 3As –(Accept, Adopt, Adept) of Change Management
NLP Workshop was conducted by Ms. Deepti Bindal on 3rd Nov, 22 .The objective of the workshop was to acquaint the academicians to the Adaptation of the Changing Policies of New Education Policy(NEP)2020. The change in time brings the change in the formation of plans and policies. The real challenge is to accept, to embrace the change by adopting the newness in the current education system. The workshop was attended by the teachers of the organization. It included several interesting games and engaging activities to show up the team spirit, competency and leadership qualities. In the learner- centered education system, it is essential to create a rapport between the learner and the teacher to bring out the best among the students. The workshop dealt with the strategies and well-executed plans in the form of structured activities to support the learner in his/her holistic development. It included the proper usage of language in term of expression for better articulation and powerful thoughts. For instance – less use of ‘but’ in a conversation , rather, use of ‘and’ to boost up the spirit of the learner. Ms. Deepti Bindal added that several challenges faced by the students related to lack of concentration, confidence and emotional crisis get minimized with gratitude bringing a change in the attitude of the students. Also, managerial change is nothing but an outcome of alteration leading to setting standards for self- enrichment and efficiency. ‘Feed Back Sandwich’ was another approach to shift from dreadful experience to a desirable outcome. This approach keeps the learner active and also overcome the threats related diverged areas of learning. Ms. Deepti Bindal also emphasized on the mental health of the students and stated that a congenial atmosphere and openness in the classroom is a progressive step for the growth of the students. The faculty members also gained knowledge about the various cognitive skills and insightful techniques to enhance the IQ as well the EQ among the students.
Mr. Abhishek Khandelwal, Principal of YPS praised the painstaking efforts of Ms.Deepti Bindal and extended his best wishes for her future endeavours.